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上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院陈杰教授作为通讯作者与上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院三位博士生赵仁杰、冯晨、钟世虎共同合作在土地管理国际顶级期刊Land Use Policy 2020年六月号正式出版发表论文“The Impact of Anti-Corruption Measures on Land Supply and the Associated Implications: The Case of China”。该文通过研究反腐风暴对中国城市地方政府土地出让行为的影响,来说明提升政府治理以消除腐败是实现土地市场平稳和提高土地资源配置效率的重要前提。Land Use Policy为环境类SSCI一区期刊,2019年影响因子3.682


Zhao, Renjie, Jie Chen*, Chen Feng, and Shihu Zhong. 2020. “The Impact of Anti-Corruption Measures on Land Supply and the Associated Implications: The Case of China.” Land Use Policy 95 (June): 104605.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104605. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0264837719317144





•This paper analyzes how land supply response to the ousting of local key officials in urban China due to corruption prosecution.

•Corruption crackdown is used as the exogenous shock to identify the relationship corruption and land supply.

•Both the volume and value of land sales dropped significantly after the local officials’ ousting.

•The supply of commercial and residential land dropped but the supply of land for public use increased.

•The marketization level of land supply increased and cheap transfer of industrial land became less.

•The heterogeneity of the effect was investigated, and the long-term persistence of this effect was confirmed.



The allocation of land resources is a crucial issue in sustainable urban development, but it is subject to the vagaries of public governance. By using the prosecution of corrupt local leaders as the shock event, and exploring the data on sacked officials and land transfers in prefecture-level cities in China from 2006 to 2016, we analyse the changes in the supply of land in response to the ousting of key local officials for corruption. The estimations derived through the identification strategy of the DID framework show that both the volume and value of land sales dropped significantly after the local officials’ ousting, with the value of total land sales reacting to a much greater extent. We also found the reduction of land supply was mainly from commercial and residential land but a greater supply of land for public use following the local leaders’ ousting, accompanied with an increase in the level of marketisation in the supply of land and a reduction in cheap transfers of industrial land. In addition, the heterogeneity of the effect across the rank and type of official was investigated, and the long-term persistence of this effect was confirmed. By showing that anti-corruption measures have a persistent disciplinary effect on officials’ subsequent land supply strategy, this paper underscores that the quality of public governance profoundly influences the functioning of the land market.


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