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由上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院/中国城市治理研究院陈杰教授、陈煜博士(2019年英年已逝,生前为奥地利格莱茨大学经济系助理教授)、奥地利格莱茨大学罗伯特.希尔(Robert J. Hill)教授、上海浦东银行博士后胡佩博士共同合作完成的论文The User Cost of Housing and the Price-Rent Ratio in Shanghai,于2021921日在城市与区域经济领域国际权威期刊Region Science and Urban Economics (RUSE)在线发表。该文对上海住宅价格租金比进行了基于特征价格法的质量调整,使之测度更加准确,并从住房使用成本角度解释了上海住宅价格租金比如此高(2017年已平均达到70倍)的原因,认为其中隐含价格巨大调整的风险。作者们将文章献给陈煜博士,以纪念共同的合作友谊。


Regional Science and Urban Economics (RUSE)是城市与区域经济领域国际知名老牌SSCI期刊,创办于1975年,目前已经出版到第90卷,近年每年出版6期,每期收录论文9-10篇。2019年度影响因子2.613




Chen, Jie, Yu Chen, Robert J. Hill, and Pei Hu. 2021. “The User Cost of Housing and the Price-Rent Ratio in Shanghai.” Regional Science and Urban Economics: 103738. Doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2021.103738. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0166046221000983  




Abstract: We compute hedonic quality-adjusted price-rent ratios for residential housing in Shanghai. Our method corrects for selection into owner-occupied housing and for omitted variables. We find that quality adjustment reduces the price-rent ratio by 14 percent. Even so, a price-rent ratio of 70 in 2017 is still very high by international standards. In cross-section, the price-rent ratio is increasing in price, confirming previous findings for cities in western countries. But it is decreasing in rents. We attribute this new finding to the asymmetric impact of the hukou system on owner-occupiers and renters in China. We then examine, in a user-cost setting, why the price-rent ratio is so high. The key driver is the extremely high rate of expected capital gains, which we argue has turned the user cost of owner-occupying negative. We explore how this affects the interpretation of observed price-rent ratios.

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