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上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院陈杰教授与英国社科院院士、伦敦大学学院巴雷特规划学院吴缚龙教授共同合作在土地管理国际顶级期刊Land Use Policy发表论文“Housing and land financialization under the state ownership of land in China”。该文研究了中国特有的土地国有制度下,住房金融化和土地金融化如何相互交织和产生互动,并进而共同推动了中国经济发展中的资本积累。Land Use Policy为环境类SSCI一区期刊,2019年影响因子3.682



Chen, Jie, and Fulong Wu. 2020. “Housing and Land Financialization under the State Ownership of Land in China.” Land Use Policy, June, 104844. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104844.




•The financialization of housing and land in China intertwines closely under the state ownership of land.

•Housing financialization boosts the demand for housing assets and land financialization expands the supply.

•Housing financialization and land financialization jointly plays a pivotal role in the state-led accumulation regime.

•Housing assetization and land capitalization in China reinforces with each other in a self-enhancing circle.

•The financialization of housing and land in China epitomizes China’s entrepreneurial urban governance.

Abstract: By studying the case of China’s state land ownership regime, this paper examines the financialization of housing and land and illustrates how these processes are intertwined and reinforce each other. This paper reached three conclusions: first, housing financialization and land financialization cannot be separated in China; housing financialization boosts the demand for housing assets and land financialization speeds up the supply to meet the demand. Second, housing financialization and land financialization jointly expand the production of properties and sustain capital accumulation. Third, the financialization of land and housing evolve over time. We conclude that the separate and related processes of housing and land financialization in China reflect the unique characteristics of the state ownership of land in China.



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