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上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院/中国城市治理研究院陈杰教授和美国密歇根大学邓岚副教授、博士生Yan Xiang共同合作在住房研究领域权威期刊Housing Studies近期在线发表论文Housing Affordability, Subsidized Lending and Cross-City Variation in the Performance of China’s Housing Provident Fund Program。这篇研究论文是国际期刊少数几篇研究中国住房公积金制度的文章之一,也是国际上第一篇在城市层面实证研究住房公积金制度绩效及与居民住房可支付能力之间关系的文章。Housing Studies是城市研究类SSCI期刊,2019年影响因子2.255


Deng, Lan, Xiang Yan, and Jie Chen. 2020. “Housing Affordability, Subsidized Lending and Cross-City Variation in the Performance of China’s Housing Provident Fund Program.” Housing Studies: 1–24. Doi: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1585521 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02673037.2019.1585521.


Abstract: This study examines the cross-city variation in the performance of China’s Housing Provident Fund (HPF) program, a collective saving scheme that provides subsidized lending to support participants’ home purchases. It finds that while the program as a whole is limited in both participation and benefit provision, the level of HPF activities has differed across localities. Panel-data analysis of HPF lending in seven cities reveals that local housing affordability was an important determinant of who benefited from the program. Rising housing price increased the demand for HPF loans. But if price rose too high relative to household income, the share of participants who used HPF loans declined. This shows that as the program currently operates, expanding HPF participation would only increase the inequality in the distribution of program benefits. Finally, we did not find evidence for the counter-cyclic effects that HPF lending was expected to have in relation to bank lending. These findings have important implications for the program’s future reform.



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