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陈杰教授作为通讯作者与佐治亚州立大学公共政策学院刘阳教授、上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院李会平副教授共同合作在国际期刊Journal of Urban Affairs 2019年第2期正式发表论文Linking Migrant Enclave Residence to Employment in Urban China: The Case of Shanghai.该论文以上海为例,探讨了中国城市外来流动人口聚居情况与其就业结果的关联性。


Liu, Cathy Yang, Jie Chen*, and Huiping Li. 2019. “Linking Migrant Enclave Residence to Employment in Urban China: The Case of Shanghai.” Journal of Urban Affairs 41(2): 189–205.



AbstractWith rapid economic restructuring, large-scale population migration, and market-oriented housing commercialization, China’s urban residents have experienced increasing segregation in both residential spaces and workplaces. Using the sixth census (year 2010) data with detailed geographic information for Shanghai, we document the residential patterns of local residents and migrants and identify the clustered enclaves of migrant workers. The results indicate that rural migrants in Shanghai feature a much higher level of residential clustering than do urban locals and urban migrants, with considerable concentration in the outskirts of the city. In investigating how the neighborhood contexts are associated with individuals’ employment outcomes, we find that migrant enclave residence is associated with positive employment outcomes for rural migrants, suggesting that the strong social networks that exist in these neighborhoods help them secure jobs. This positive social network effect is not shared by urban migrants or urban natives and is most evident among female migrant workers and those who live in locations with relatively low job densities.



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